Give an Old Article a Second Chance

Planning my return to Medium writing

Karin Blak
3 min readMar 3, 2021


Image by Kat Stokes on Unsplash

For the past year, I have been busy writing, not for Medium but on a book project; I got a publishing deal for my book about the therapeutic experience, at the beginning of 2020 and suddenly my life wasn’t mine anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I am definitely not complaining; publishing a book has been and still is a journey worth working towards. However, this fantastic opportunity meant that I didn’t have as much time as I used to have for writing Medium articles and I have only just returned to carry on from where I left off.

While I was away, there have been some inevitable changes: the views on my account dived to almost nothing, meaning little to no income. The Medium platform changes and so did the calculations for earnings. More publications have appeared and the communities that I used to be an active part of have acquired lots of new members. I’m catching up and making my presence known again, but it will take time and effort. It isn’t quite starting from scratch because I already have a list of articles built up and some followers, but I need a plan, and this is part one.

Reviving old articles

As I looked through all my old articles, initially to look for inspiration, something struck me: why not make the old efforts work for…



Karin Blak

Author of The Essential Companion to Talking Therapy, Watkins Publishing. Therapy, society, relationships, true stories and fiction.